
The Anywhere Worker Guidebook

Global companies were all but forced into remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After a few weeks of navigating new challenges and changes in policies, we saw that, more often than not, organizations are truly getting into the groove. If you haven’t yet, we challenge leaders of all organizations to take a pause to investigate the impacts remote work has been having on their businesses and their employees. We surveyed thousands of employees around the globe about the impact remote work has had on their daily lives, and many of the results have been overwhelmingly positive. Despite the unfortunate circumstances that drove us here, it’s time for leading organizations to consider a permanent shift to flexible working culture.

That being said, it’s not as simple as flipping a switch. Flexible work is undoubtedly essential to business continuity in the future. But it’s also a cross-functional effort. Everyone from the C-Suite to Human Resources to IT to individual team managers must be in lockstep about corporate policies, cultural impact, and, of course, the technology toolkit.


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