Destigmatizing Mental Health at Work: Best Practices for the Modern Workplace
One in five adults experience a mental health disorder each year, and most are employed. Even so, eight out of 10 of these workers won’t reach out for support because of the stigma surrounding mental illness. Stigma—the shame associated with…
2022 Workforce Mental Health Trends Forecast
People worldwide are grappling with a perpetual stream of crises, from wildfires and flooding to political strife and racial injustice. In May 2021, 47 percent of Americans said their mental health had declined since the pandemic struck. While COVID-19 has…
Lyra Health Cost Efficiency Analysis
Aon conducted an actuarial analysis of four Lyra customers’ medical and prescription drug spending incurred in 2018 and 2019 representing approximately 40,000 Lyra Employee Assistance Program (EAP) eligible members. The analysis utilized Aon’s member-level Cost Efficiency Measurement (CEM) methodology comparing…
The Essential Guide to IT Infrastructure Decisions for Small Businesses
IT leaders for small businesses factor two key criteria in IT infrastructure decisions: 1. Maximizing business uptime2. Minimizing technology spend To be successful, these leaders should follow a six-step process, focusing on critical business goals, identifying infrastructure obstacles to achieving…
How to Create IT Infrastructure That Drives UK Small Business Growth
Small business IT leaders struggle with limited resources to enable and sustain digital business growth. They should leverage an IT infrastructure vendor that demonstrated product and service capabilities and business processes specifically designed for small business requirements. To achieve your…
Cloud-Architekturen und loud-Infrastrukturen in Deutschland 2021
Die Cloud wird zum Gravitationszentrum der IT Cloudzentrierte Infrastrukturen beschränken sich bislang häufig auf das Rechenzentrum, entweder beim Provider oder in einer virtualisierten und automatisierten IT-Umgebung. Parallel dazu werden Public Cloud Services mehr oder minder intensiv in einzelne Workloads integriert….
Public Cloud – Services & Solutions
Über diesen Bericht Information Services Group übernimmt die alleinige Verantwortung für diesen Bericht. Soweit nicht anders angegeben, wurden sämtliche Inhalte, u.a. Abbildungen, Marktforschungsdaten, Schlussfolgerungen, Aussagen und Stellungnahmen im Rahmen dieses Berichtes von Information Services Group, Inc. entwickelt und sind Alleineigentum…
Cloud-Telefonie für Microsoft Teams
Cloud-Telefonie zu Microsoft Teams hinzufü. Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt wechseln von herkömmlichen Telefonsystemen vor Ort zu Cloud-Telefonielösungen. Die Vorteile liegen auf der Hand: hybrides Arbeiten, Anbieterkonsolidierung und Kostensenkung. Und immer mehr Unternehmen nutzen Microsoft Teams für die Cloud-Telefonie, um…
Ajout de la téléphonie cloud à Microsoft Teams
Ajouter la téléphonie cloud à Microsoft Teams. Les entreprises du monde entier abandonnent les systèmes téléphoniques traditionnels sur site au profit de solutions de téléphonie cloud. Les avantages sont difficiles à ignorer – notamment le travail hybride, la consolidation des…
Cómo añadir la telefonía en la nube a Microsoft Teams
Añadir la telefonía en la nube a Microsoft Teams. Las empresas de todo el mundo están cambiando los sistemas telefónicos tradicionales locales por soluciones de telefonía en la nube. Las ventajas son difíciles de ignorar, como el trabajo híbrido, la…
Adding Cloud Telephony to Microsoft Teams
Adding Cloud Telephony to Microsoft Teams Enterprises across the world are switching from traditional on-premises phone systems to cloud telephony solutions. The benefits are hard to ignore – including hybrid working, supplier consolidation and reduced cost. And a growing number of companies…
A 3-Step Recovery Plan For Field Operators
What the pandemic did, over the last year, was magnify existing challenges in field operations. With continuing uncertainties and fluctuating customer demand, identifying solutions for in-field issues like these, for the long haul, have become even more critical. Your 3-Step…