How to successfully calibrate an open loop DAC signal-chain

Any practical electronic application is subject to multiple sources of error that can make the most precise components deviate from their datasheet behavior.When the application signal chain doesn’t have a built-in mechanism to self adjust for these errors, the only…


Tips for taking great city photos with your smartphone

This is an example of a gallery post. Number of columns you choose matches the number of thumbnails you see.


Digital Art and Technology Creating Beauty

Echo Park aesthetic disrupt occupy Blue Bottle actually plaid church-key. Skateboard cred lumbersexual, ugh Williamsburg mixtape Thundercats typewriter viral taxidermy retro PBR&B 90’s pork belly McSweeney’s.


Travelling With Technology – Some Tips From Master

Cornhole fashion axe Tonx, hashtag readymade quinoa aesthetic polaroid Marfa fanny pack next level gluten-free. Shabby chic four loko single-origin coffee sriracha. Tonx gentrify bespoke Blue Bottle.

New Year, New ERP

GROWTH, EFFICIENCY, COST SAVINGS, VISIBILITY, AGILITY, AND MORE The start of a New Year can be a source of inspiration to make some changes for the better. Self-improvement is the key theme as individuals seek to get fit, acquire a…

Mind your KPIs

Top Metrics Product Companies Should Be Monitoring: What do Coke, Ford, and Google have in common?For one, they’ve each had epic product failures that likely could have been avoided. Google had Google Glass (and dozens of other false starts), Coke…

The Manufacturer’s Guide Six Key Strategies to Grow Your Profits.

Businesses are busy growing right now, and they’re more optimistic than they’ve been in the past 35 years, according to the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). If your company isn’t already doing so, now is the time to take…

Signs that this year’s holiday season will be different already abound.

Retailers with a physical store presence confront new and unprecedented considerations for this holiday shopping season. In what numbers will customers return in-store? Will eCommerce orders and demand for curbside and in-store pickup remain high or increase further still? Will…

The Value of a True Cloud ERP Platform for Manufacturing Companies.

Today, cloud computing is at the forefront of the shift to the digital business and is enabling manufacturing companies to adapt to these changing business models, both strategically and operationally. Manufacturing companies with a cloud-first strategy have learned that the…

Six Ways to Run a More Profitable Business.

When revenues exceed expenses, you’re profitable. Sounds simple enough, but as any business owner knows, the rapid pace of technological and market change in a dynamic global economy means that what worked last year—or last month—may not rake in the…

Mind the Gap. What Different Generations Want From Retailers

Retail executives often talk about the need to improve the online and in-store customer experiences, drive in-store traffic, and to engage with customers in meaningful ways. But, this is easier said than done—especially across generational cohorts. Get to know your…

Inventory Management Fuels Supply Chain Optimization

For most businesses, the supply chain is not only the primary cost center but one of the most challenging aspects of running a profitable operation. Indeed, today’s global supply chain introduces complexities that create challenges across the organization. Businesses struggle…