
A Generation in Crisis

When 40-year-old marketing manager, Michelle,* first started seeing signs that her teenage daughter, Bella, was struggling, she immediately tried to talk to her about it. But, like most teenagers, Bella was resistant to sharing her feelings with her parents. The…

HR Tech

Taking Care: 8 Essential’s to Ensure Your Employees Receive Quality Mental Health Care

A robust mental health benefit is key to attracting and retaining top talent. The problem is, not all mental health therapies are effective and help people get better. Use this guide to evaluate your existing benefit based on eight crucial…

Data Centre

Why culturally responsive care must be part of your mental health strategy

Mental illness is universal across all cultures, but not everyone has equal access to care. Both stigma and a lack of representation among providers contribute to this problem. Learn why culturally responsive care is imperative to your mental health strategy….


A Buyers Guide to Evaluating the Quality of Mental Health Benefits

Traditional mental health offerings are often ineffective and inaccessible, leaving employers to foot the bill while employees suffer. How can you predict which programs actually work — and which will show a real return on investment? Does your mental health…

HR Tech

Why a Workforce Transformation is Key to Your Employee Experience Strategy

Most employees feel a strong workplace culture is more important than salary—but you can’t build a healthy culture without the right support. Learn why organization-wide mental health support is key to helping both employees and companies flourish. How mental health…

The Value and Impact of Workforce Mental Health

People worldwide are grappling with a perpetual stream of crises, from wildfires and flooding to political strife and racial injustice. In May 2021, 47 percent of Americans said their mental health had declined since the pandemic struck. While COVID-19 has…

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A Manager’s Guide to Building Psychological Safety Around Mental Health at Work

When your employees show up for work, whether remotely or onsite, do they feel safe, respected, valued, and empowered to do their best work? Are they able to be their whole self? After more than a year of unprecedented times—including…

Destigmatizing Mental Health at Work: Best Practices for the Modern Workplace

One in five adults experience a mental health disorder each year, and most are employed. Even so, eight out of 10 of these workers won’t reach out for support because of the stigma surrounding mental illness. Stigma—the shame associated with…

2022 Workforce Mental Health Trends Forecast

People worldwide are grappling with a perpetual stream of crises, from wildfires and flooding to political strife and racial injustice. In May 2021, 47 percent of Americans said their mental health had declined since the pandemic struck. While COVID-19 has…

Lyra Health Cost Efficiency Analysis

Aon conducted an actuarial analysis of four Lyra customers’ medical and prescription drug spending incurred in 2018 and 2019 representing approximately 40,000 Lyra Employee Assistance Program (EAP) eligible members. The analysis utilized Aon’s member-level Cost Efficiency Measurement (CEM) methodology comparing…