Senn Delaney

Organizational Culture Is Best Left to a Specialist

Edgar H. Schein, Ph.D., professor emeritus at the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, dates 1978 as the year that roles, norms, and values were identified as the components of organizational culture, as outlined in The Social Psychology…

You Can Change a Large, Global Organization’s Culture Quickly

The complexities of organizational cultures and their impact on profitability have vexed leaders for years. As a result, when it comes to executing new strategies to encourage company-wide behavioral change – like improved morale – band-aid solutions are implemented, such…

To Change a Company’s Culture, You Need to Capture Your Employees’ Heads and Hearts

It has been said that measuring culture is like shaping smoke or herding cats. But that is before something called Return on Culture came alive. Douglas Conant, who led the remarkable turnaround of the Campbell’s Soup Company by increasing cumuative…

Innovation in Changing Corporate Cultures

Of the key attributes successful companies and their employees practice in achieving maximum, sustainable performance, none is more critical to profitable growth than focusing on and enabling a need that begins with our first breath: The need to thrive. Thriving…

You Want a Unique Culture; You Need a Custom Approach

You cannot so much as tweak any part of a culture without considering the downstream, upstream and midstream consequences. There is the potential for fragile cultures to collapse, strong cultures to weaken and entrenched cultures to circle the wagons. Inertia…

A Proven Methodology for Organizational Change

Understanding cultural change demands a committed appreciation of, and respect for, cultures as living organisms. Knowing how they form, knowing why and in which direction they have grown and, most importantly, what drives them to change is critical to shaping…