
Engagement The Rhythm of Your Business in HR

For a Project Manager, the objective is to deliver a project on time and on budget. But if those objectives were met but a decision was made to change or reduce the scope of what’s being delivered, did the initiative fail? I’m a stakeholder and I wasn’t involved in the decision to change the scope and delay delivery of some functionality.

I didn’t get a chance to tell you that my team needs some of the features now but some of the other ones could wait. Fail. I’m a customer and I wasn’t able to ask questions about what functionality I’m getting now versus later and why. I didn’t get a chance to tell you what would make me want to use it. I’m disappointed and don’t want to use this new tool or process. Fail. Failure comes when those that are impacted and those that need to use the new tool or process don’t have a voice in the process. Failure comes from a lack of continuous engagement.


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